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My Sweet Boy. 3 week update

I can't believe Cameron will be three weeks old tomorrow and I can't believe how fast time is flying by even though I joke that It seems like the never ending day. eat, sleep, diaper change, repeat. The life that I use to know is far gone. But I wouldn't have it any other way. I remember coming home from the hospital and thinking now what? Each day has been filled with tons of questions! Thank god for google . I constantly find myself looking for answers to questions regarding Cameron. "how much spit it up is too much spit up" - "Is grunting normal in a newborn baby?" The google searches are endless but the good thing is I'm not the only one. And thank god for Chris! Without him I would be lost. He seriously is such a great dad and so opposite of me. Every time I get nervous about something or have a question about something he keeps calm and has an answer right away. And as I sit here in my sweats, hair up in a bun, covered in spit up. typing quickly before Cameron wakes for his next feeding I am so happy to be a mommy and Camerons mommy for that matter. I love my life and I love the little moments with my boys. The 5:00 AM feeding followed by cuddles in bed before chris goes off to work. thats what I look forward to every single day and I wouldn't trade it for the world. 

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