Photo: Love Print Photography
Cameron, our little boy turned one at the beginning of the year, so we knew that would be the biggest change of all. Bringing our baby home and living his first year of life was exciting, scary and very eye opening but with a running toddler on our hands we knew it would be a whole new ball game. Boy were we right, our patiences was tested as we endured tantrum after tantrum, I cried tears of frustration and countless amounts of tears of joy. Chris and I argued over parenting decisions, who's way was better... I had to bite my tongue and let daddy's way be better even when I didn't think it was. I watched endless episodes of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse & Listed to those annoying kids songs over and over and over ( I now sing them in the shower) - I watched a baby turn into a boy. I listened to his first words, I watched as his first words turned into his first sayings. I listed to him say "I love you" - our hearts exploded with love and joy as we watched his little personality grow into the curious, funny and loving boy that he is today. We changed, we no longer were just Chris and Sylvia we were now Mama and daddy and that was the best change of all.
I encountered and met a lot of people this year. I dropped my walls and let people in. I was backstabbed and let down - I was hurt by people that meant absolutely nothing to me and by people close to me. I grew closer to friends and grew apart from friends. I turned friends in to best friends and best friends turned into strangers. This year was full of change. The best thing about this was that it let me focus on those that were and are important to me. I learned to value and grow my relationships, I was able to really give the relationships I developed what they deserved. I learned about what each friendship needed and how special it was to me. I built bonds that will never be broken, that are worth so much to me. These friendships and interactions opened my eyes and changed me for the better.
This year I struggled with myself and my Identity, I mean if we are being honest here, its something I always struggled with. I know above all I am a mommy, thats my number one title, after becoming pregnant I became a stay at home mommy, it's just what made sense for our family. But this year I was ready to be more. I never wanted to be a mom that sits at home and does nothing for herself. I wanted to do something that would fulfill me and in every creative way. I began blogging while pregnant with Cameron, but after he was born I wasn't able to focus on him and figuring out a blog so I quit. After a year and a half off I decided it was time to get back in to it so this year I did just that. April of this year I started to blog again, it was a whole new world, a whole new way of blogging. It hasn't been easy ( I know some may laugh) but it sure has been fulfilling and that's all that I've needed. I've been able to express myself creatively in so many ways. I love fashion and style and I love to chat and this is all things that I love in one. It's not easy, not one bit! But I am so thankful for those that support me because not many do. I've met so many amazing people through blogging, I get to collaborate with some talented individuals and connect with some amazing fashionable ladies out there. On some of my hardest days, this little world of blogging makes me feel that much better!
Photo: Love Print Photography
I like to call 2016 the paving way for better years to come. Life was sort of constant and familiar but now, it's a new beginning and a fresh start.
Thank you to all those that read and follow the blog and follow me on Instagram It means so much to me. I wanted to wish you all a wonderful New Year with lots of joy and happiness! Have a safe and happy New Years Eve! Cheers
I love this, Sylvia!!! I am so happy you started blogging so we could connect and I could follow along on your journey! I absolutely love seeing your sweet family and your amazing sense of style. Blogging is NOT easy and you have to have a passion for it, that's for sure! I love reading these types of posts because it makes me look back on my year. Thanks for inspiring me :)