Personal Style, Beauty & Lifestyle Blog



A new directions + 10 things.

With 2018 here, I decided that I wanted to take my blog in a bit of a different direction. I wanted to open up more to you all and let you see my life a bit more. Last year I really focused on fashion and style, which don't get me wrong I love! But, I wanted to be able to do more this year and being able to morph this blog into a lifestyle blog.

I think it's important for me to open up more and let you see more of my world than just the pictures which is what I did in the past. I decided to start a new series here, 10 things. 10 things series, will just be 10 things I will be sharing once a month about myself/my life.

Scroll down to read.

10 things.

1. As I mentioned above, this blog is heading into a different direction! I am so excited this. I knew at the end of last year that I wanted to make a change. The blog wasn't fulfilling me the way that it use to. Something was missing and I felt like I was scrambling and ideas weren't coming to me the way I wanted them.  I think being a mom, having a family and opening up about my life, I was able to start to connect with my followers. This got me to thinking about my new path in the new year. I knew that I wanted my focus for the blog to be lifestyle. I am already so excited, I love all the content I've shot thus far and the response have been great, which makes me even more excited.  Would love to hear from you in the comments if you are liking the new change and if there's anything you would like to see from me.

2. We've been binge watching broadchurch on Netflix and it's so damn good! - I love binge watching netflix shows.

3. It's been pretty cold in New York - Starting to get stir crazy, this time of year is always a bit hard with a toddler . (wine helps LOL ! )

4. I've been having so much fun planning Cameron's third birthday! He's having a pizza making party at a pizza place. I love party planning, I can't wait to share and blog about it.

5. I'm really into Insta stories lately, sharing tutorials with you guys. It took me a long time to finally pull the trigger, hope you're enjoying them.

6. I've been on a health kick, I have fun finding and pin healthy recipes on pinterest.

7. Not so fun fact, chris started a new job so we've had one car lately and he takes it majority of the time. No car, stuck in the house ... with a toddler... not so fun! But!!!! we're finally getting a car, hopefully this week! WOOOO.

8. Been gravitating towards a bit of a different style lately, more casual and laid back . VERY into it.

9. In the middle of potty training . Cameron will be three on the 29th. Some days he's into it, some not so much.  I've been cleaning lots of accidents ... he does best when he wears nothing and runs wild and free.

10. Want to go blonder .. thinking I may book an appointment soon. wanting a new change this year.

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